Thursday, December 7, 2006

The Story So Far...

To recap:

Tuesdays (and soon, another day in the week, TBD) you'll find me writing a longform show review at The Network2 Blog.

On an average of Thursdays, you will find a new episode of Focus, where I review 3-5 shows in a balance of review and parody.

This week's longform review: Goodnight Burbank.
So one great thing that happens In the space of Internet TV is when someone might cross a boundary or two in ways traditional media might be slower to embrace. Some shows take liberties with form. For example, duder offers episodes in multiple formats; sometimes a sitcom style piece, sometimes a dramatic monologue. Goodnight Burbank, the show at hand, merges genres of news satire and character-driven comedy.

Click Here For the Full Review!

Here's everything I've done for the N2 Blog, the list is mostly my reviews.

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